
Earth Watch Corps is a global body of humanitarians working together on the front lines of today’s biggest crises to create a future of possibility, where everyone can prosper.

Our mission: to alleviate suffering, poverty, and oppression by helping people build secure, productive, and sustainable communities.

Earth Watch Corps is an independent organization campaigning to protect communities, wild places, and the planet itself for a green and peaceful future.

Around the world, over 2,600 team members work side by side with people living through poverty, disaster, violent conflict, and the acute impacts of climate change. We’re committed to creating global change through local impact.

Our activists and supporters recognize that in today's interconnected world, our lives, our jobs, and our families are increasingly affected by global problems. Challenges like terrorism, climate change, failed states and infectious diseases cannot be addressed by any one country alone.

Therefore, our organization is dedicated to strengthening democracy around the world by drawing on the unique experience and resources of its activists. Our activists include organizations and individuals who share a common commitment to our mission to improve the lives of vulnerable people, regardless of race, religion, political affiliation, or geography and enrich the dialogue on global thematic issues. Our organization is an international network that inspires Earth Watch Corps to engage the world.

What constitutes the basis of Earth Watch Corps is a scheme intended to bring about a Social Order that esteems social, economic, and political justice in every field of human life. It envisions an ideal community where justice prevails and equality flourishes. Earth Watch Corps is relentlessly working for the realization of a Social Order in which man is not divided and the world is brought under one banner. Preventing the pride and arrogance of indiscriminate man from ruining the world has been its commission.

We bring a comprehensive approach to every challenge, addressing problems from multiple angles. And we go beyond emergency aid, partnering with local governments, forward-thinking corporations, social entrepreneurs, and people living in fragile communities to develop bold solutions that make lasting change possible.

Our aim is to conduct research and generate action to prevent and end grave actions against mankind and the world as whole and to demand justice for those whose rights have been violated.

It is a small office with big mandates. Every time, we ensure that our service is dedicated to all people, past and present, who worked tirelessly for world's transformation.

Our organization’s beloved founder Abhimanyu is also carrying the role of Chairman & CJS since 2008. He provides us a vision to change the world and light to see in the darkness of ignorance.

Your participation makes a big difference. It’s for the glory of our noble ideology. “To Transform People to Transform the World”.

We invite you to watch the short video below, learn more about our work, and join us on our journey to change the world for good.

Our Purpose

Abhimanyu envisions to improve the life of people and empower communities through connection and collaborative efforts. He has put in place a long-term plan that will serve as a roadmap to give it an independent future. He aims to build a sustainable holistic community which empowers life through business activities and helps to solve social issues. He would like to generate revenue to build better solutions. He visons and missions are committed to ensuring the promotion of an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable future for our planet and for present and future generations. We define this initiative as the one world of humanity!

As a realization of Abhimanyu's dreams, more positive development has been going on our research. Our teams are constantly iterating, solving problems, and working together to empower people around the world to build communities and connect them.

In every sense, our business model encapsulates and documents our commitment to sustainable development. We are on our way to work toward the realization of our Future Vision for world and in support of partnerships and programs that protect the environment, such as the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.

Today, with our employees, we are making numerous products for people across the globe, from Social Networking to AI to Smart Devices. At this exciting juncture, when we are on the threshold of an elite segment in the industry. With all our commitment to hard work, desire for innovation, and an ambition to be the best, the future belongs to us. We are committed to ensuring the promotion of an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable future for our planet and for present and future generations.

His mission is not only task for us, but a dream that we have dared to share, and we appeal to every supporting agency and stakeholder out there to work together to make this dream a reality to protect humanity - our ultimate aim.

History of Earth Watch Corps

Earth Watch Corps is an organization campaigning to protect communities, wild places, and the planet itself for a green and peaceful future.

Our society wanted an organization to mould the people to be a better community to realize the dream of one world of humanity. We continue to extend selfless service on a variety of fields like Natural Disasters Assistance, Child Welfare, Social Welfare & Development, Humanitarianism, Environment, Protection of Human Rights, Women Empowerment and Employment Schemes etc. Our organization is an international network that inspires us to engage the world.

What constitutes the basis of our mission is a scheme intended to bring about a Social Order that esteems social, economic, and political justice in every field of human life. We envision an ideal community where justice prevails and equality flourishes. We are relentlessly working for the realization of a Social Order in which man is not divided and the world is brought under one banner. Preventing the pride and arrogance of indiscriminate man from ruining the world has been its commission.

Earth Watch Corps Day is celebrated on February 1st day each year. The Earth Watch Corps stronger and its family of agencies are engaged in a vast array of work that touches every aspect of people’s lives around the world. We now have a lot of activists and supporters in many territories, in the world.

The organization fulfils its working hand in hand with the government and other volunteer organizations. In a short span of 14 year the organization has become a great centre of service and a source of inspiration to the people of India.

We have attained many admirable achievements. Given below is a brief picture of some activities and distinct Human Rights Development Programs we have undertaken and performed ever since our mission started:


Abhimanyu founded FPI in the year of 2007. He decided to establish "a permanent international movement in prevention of injustice and in an ensuring of peace and security.

Groundwork for moulding FPI into an international organization to prevent injustice and to ensure freedom, justice, equality, peace, security, welfare, and human dignity was outlined. Awareness classes on important social subjects were conducted in different parts of the country.


The first international mission accomplished when an Indian house maid in Kuwait was rescued in January. This mission was in Kuwait, and later followed at Muscat in February 2010.

At a conference in Alappuzha, a decision was made to set up a permanent organization that will be known as FPI. Later the organization amalgamated into a planetary mission famously known as Earth Watch Corps (EWC).


The registered office of the organization was established in Alappuzha District of Kerala, a small state in India. It was a small office and library, staffed by activists, opened in a rundown government building.

Earth Watch Corps was recognized as an international organization for "having contributed to securing the ground for freedom, for justice, and thereby also for security in the world". Earth Watch Corps published, a Federal Policy statement in the same year.

The Vincent Paul Varghese Treatment Assistance Program (VPVT), attributed to one of the pioneers and founders of the predecessor organization called Earth Watch Corps, late Mr. Varghese, began assisting in the treatment of chronic patients and those severely injured in accidents.

‘General Training Programs’ began to be organized to draw public attention against and to make the community aware of social vices, such as feticide of the female gender, drug abuse, child labour, chronic diseases, illiteracy, begging and corruption. An extensive project, called ‘Save the World’ was launched and started functioning for the preservation of environment and forestation.

Earth Watch Corps started working through a project, named ‘Save a Life,’ in order to instruct the community regarding the greatness of donating organs and to inspire people for donating organs. As part of this feat, the organization is now trying to form a directory of organ-blood donators in the State. Under this scheme many patients are donated with blood and the work is continuing efficiently. Medical camps and health seminars are being conducted under this project.

To bridle the ever-increasing trend of suicide attempts, National Suicide Prevention Program was organized. In line with this, a counselling center, named “Prathyasa” (The Hope) started functioning. “Prathyasa” (The Hope) extended telephone counselling to the public 24 hours a day, helping them to solve their problems.


In March 2011, Earth Watch Corps accepted the UN declaration on behalf of those who are involved in defending human rights.

We agreed to expand to Earth Watch Corps’ remit to include: the impact of economic relations on human rights; empowering human rights defenders; enhancing work to protect refugees; and strengthening grass root level activism.

The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women was adopted; meaning the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women can receive and consider complaints from individuals or groups.

The sphere of activity began to spread to various fields like Arts, Culture, Humanitarianism, Women Empowerment, Preservation of Energy, Assistance regarding the Law, and Social Service.


A comprehensive project was outlined as part of coordinating different undertakings of the Earth Watch Corps With the completion of the project, “Stella Nuam or Project North Star”, Earth Watch Corps will have made a lasting impression in the world scene.

Steps were taken to form Search and Protection Guard as part of Emergency Response and Recovery Programmes in order to respond and make available needed help when natural disasters strike, and emergency situations arise.


It was decided to re-organize the operation of Earth Watch Corps with Andhra Pradesh as its new centre. Initially registered in Kerala in harmony with the Indian Charitable Trust Act, the decision to register the organization in accordance with the Non-Profitable Company Act was a decisive change in facilitating its functions. It helped to make the organization democratic and a more responsible one.

With strenuous efforts for a period of six years, many people from around the globe were recruited as activists of Earth Watch Corps. In the stream of time, Earth Watch Corps has undergone many changes and has been reformed to higher standards.


In 2014, Abhimanyu started Indodial Project and continues his research on various topic and technology. The project is famously known as Project North Star. He initiated Neighbourhood Watch Program under Earth Watch Corps.


Abhimanyu founded a company. It “was established to accomplish the same mission of Peptle. It’s basically a hybrid Social Networking Platform. It serves users to interact with one another and to express their needs, wants, values & many more ...

Abhimanyu, mentioned in an article that the company will offer its solution through a mix of hybrid virtual community platform. Later, he resigned from the MD post and continue the work as its CEO.


Abhimanyu received an attractive angel investment offer worth crores of rupees from a reputed venture capital firm. But he refused the offer and continue his research on the technology he dreamt.

He also co-founded Transzia and working as its director. It’s an Import and Export company based in Kochi that was created with a goal to be a reliable partner in international trading. Transzia focuses on exporting high quality, exclusive products to Europe and all over the world and vice versa.


Our organization’s founder established Peptle as our research outcome and working as its Chairman & CEO. Peptle “was established to accomplish the same mission of Earth Watch Corps. He, mentioned in an article that Peptle is a disruptive technology company and many of its products are giving unique solutions to its clients. A more positive development has been going on at its labs as well with plans to diversify our offerings to include and integrate IoT, Wearable technology, smart devices, virtual med pad, facial and object identification system (FOIS), AI, AR, VR, Blockchain and other disruptive technologies.

We received an attractive angel investment offer worth crores of rupees from a reputed venture capital firm. But we refused the offer and continue our research on the technology we dreamt.

Addressing the Issue of Human Trafficking

Earth Watch Corps has helped raise awareness about the problem of human trafficking or “modern-day slavery,” a type of crime that now affects an estimated 27 million people worldwide, mostly women and children. Since 2003, Earth Watch Corps has held a number of seminars and roundtables on human trafficking.

Earth Watch Corps - Partnering in the Fight for Human Rights

Earth Watch Corps collaborates and partners with like-minded secular and faith-based organizations to expand globally. It has therefore worked with many organizations through the years.

Due to the success of various Earth Watch Corps campaigns, government officials have begun integrating Earth Watch Corps educational materials into their programs.


Our aim is to conduct research and generate action to prevent and end grave actions against mankind and the world as whole and to demand justice for those whose rights have been violated. We are committed to creating a world in which every person can realize their natural rights

Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.

Our Activists and Supporters recognize that in today's interconnected world, our lives, our jobs, and our families are increasingly affected by global problems. Challenges like terrorism, climate change, failed states and infectious diseases cannot be addressed by any one country alone.

Therefore, our organization is dedicated to strengthening democracy and natural rights around the world by drawing on the unique experience and resources of its Activists.

Our activists include organizations and individuals who share a common commitment to our mission to improve the lives of vulnerable people, regardless of race, religion, political affiliation, or geography and enrich the dialogue on global thematic issues.

Take sixteen years of difficult, dangerous, and at times, heart-breaking work. Add thousands of activists from around the world -- some who sent emails, some who stood on the blockades, some who were beaten, some who were sued, But eventually common sense has prevailed and one of the world's treasures, the Basic human values, is saved from destruction.

It is a small office with big mandates. Every time, we ensure that our service is dedicated to all people, past and present, who worked tirelessly for world's transformation.

Your participation makes a big difference. It’s for the glory of our noble ideology. “To Transform People to Transform the World”.

Endorsement for Earth Watch Corps


“Earth Watch Corps' activities include various fields like Charity, Disaster-Relief Operations, Social Welfare and News Reporting. I greet the foundation for Prevention of Injustice on its welfare efforts and wish all success.”

‑ Sheila Dikshit, Former Governor, Kerala

“I am happy to learn that Earth Watch Corps, is bringing out its holistic sustainable living & Education project. I hope that the initiative will be helpful for members and public for assistance and availing voluntary help from the organization. Let the humanitarian activities of the organization be continued for the well being of the needy and downtrodden. I wish all success to the endeavour.”

‑ V.S. Achuthanandan, Former Leader of Opposition, Kerala

“I hope that the activities of Earth Watch Corps would continue to make a difference in the society and that the collective efforts of all associated with Earth Watch Corps would enable it to scale greater heights in the future. Wishing all success.”

‑ Oommen Chandy, Former Chief Minister, Kerala

What are Natural Rights

While some dictionaries define the word right as “a privilege,” when used in the context of “human rights,” we are talking about something more basic.

Every person is entitled to certain fundamental rights, simply by the fact of being human. These are called “human rights” rather than a privilege (which can be taken away at someone’s whim).

They are “rights” because they are things you are allowed to be, to do or to have. These rights are there for your protection against people who might want to harm or hurt you. They are also there to help us get along with each other and live in peace.

Many people know something about their rights. Generally they know they have the right to food and a safe place to stay. They know they have a right to be paid for the work they do. But there are many other rights.

When human rights are not well known by people, abuses such as discrimination, intolerance, injustice, oppression and slavery can arise.

Born out of the atrocities and enormous loss of life during World War II, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed in 1948 to provide a common understanding of what everyone’s rights are. It forms the basis for a world built on freedom, justice and peace.

where it all began

Where it all began

In 2004, Abhimanyu was outraged when he saw an abused street girl child to collect more money. She was barely 4- or 5-year-old baby girl while he was a simple introvert boy. He was so confused and deeply concerned about her future but could not do anything to save her. Because she disappeared from the city very next day. Later, he went on depression state and regret and try to end his life. It was when he is 17-year-old. After a long period of struggle, he started to help the people who faced injustice that made an incredible response in the community. His call to action sparked the idea that people everywhere can unite in solidarity for justice, peace, and freedom.

This inspiring moment didn’t just give birth to an extraordinary movement, it was the start of extraordinary social change.

Together, in close collaboration with our teams across the world, they shape our vision and strategy, and share a steadfast belief that the communities we serve are the best agents of their own change.

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Earth Watch Corps evolves

Earth Watch Corps evolves

Over the years, human rights have moved from the fringes to centre stage in world affairs.

Earth Watch Corps has grown from rescue operations and social service to upholding the whole spectrum of natural rights. Our work protects and empowers people - from injustice. We speak out for anyone and everyone whose freedom and dignity are under threat.

Careers at Earth Watch Corps

Careers at Earth Watch Corps

Earth Watch Corps is a diverse global team of more than 2,600 team members around the world. We seek team members with different origins, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of thinking. Together, we tackle the world’s toughest challenges.

Why give

Why give

We are committed to complete transparency and making the most of every donation we receive. Our mission is only made possible through the trusted relationships we've built over 12 years with a generous community of humanitarians.

Earth Watch Corps today

After more than 16 years of ground-breaking achievements, Earth Watch Corps has been through a major transformation, adapting to dramatic changes in the world.

We can now respond quickly to events wherever they happen and be a powerful force for freedom and justice.

To stay one step ahead, we are also developing tools using the latest technologies.

Imagine what we can now achieve standing side by side with activists in every corner of the globe. How many more people will realize their rights and live-in dignity?

© Earth Watch Corps

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Ethics and policies

We are committed to building a better world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, free of exploitation, harassment, and bias.

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