So, tell us...
How is the pandemic affecting your efforts to make a difference?
How has the pandemic increased the burden on women at home or in the workplace?
Who are the women inspiring you to drive change?
We will share the most powerful and inspiring stories over the following weeks.
Although women are only about half as likely as men to be involved in starting a business, this gender gap has been slowly closing over the past two decades. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has had uneven impacts across sectors and types of businesses and women entrepreneurs have been disproportionately affected. There is a risk that COVID-19 will undo decades of progress in advancing female entrepreneurship.
Our findings show that one in three women-led enterprises were either temporarily or permanently closed. This proportion is consistent across the states surveyed, although there is variation between temporarily and permanently closed statuses among states. The short-term economic impact of business closures is predictable given the slump in the market.
In a country like ours, which struggles with disguised misogyny but is still striving for an equitable entrepreneurial environment, understanding the implications of the pandemic on women’s current economic opportunities has become even more important.
Therefore, we started Saheli mission to empower women. We consider your stories will make other women stronger.
You can change other's story. With your help, they can have a healthy life and build a better future.
Together we can create more stories!
Things you can do
Submit Your Story
It’s high time we transformed how we live, work and interact with our planet. Spread your stories across the world. #TowardsBetter.
take actionLearn how Saheli can revolutionize women empowerment programs
According to an analysis by Earth Watch Corps, successful coordination of Saheli across India can help them overachieve 100 Cr. targets by 2022.
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Women across the world are rising up to demand a self-sustainable life and happy future. Make your voice heard and together we can move #TowardsBetter.